Maximize Your Cars Speed: Cylinder Head Porting}

Maximize your Cars Speed: Cylinder Head Porting


RJ Performance

Cruising along a hi-way, a powerful car easily overtook you at speeds you and your car can only dream of. Do you want that extra kick from your engine?

Dream no further. The most effective way to maximize your cars engine power is to increase airflow in its cylinder heads. With any engine, an efficient cylinder head set equals heightened horsepower.

Energy is converted from the mixture of air and fuel that passes through the cylinder heads before being transferred to the wheels. As you can see, the greater amount of this mixture that is able to enter the cylinder heads results to higher energy availability.

Ported Cylinder is the answer


Porting is a process that involves grinding away excess protruding parts in the cylinder heads. In effect, greater amounts of air will easily flow in the intake and exhaust ports of your engine. Even the tiniest unnecessary material in the cylinder will cause the engine to work double time in creating energy.

Generally, the best way to gain greatest airflow is from a technique called deep pocket porting, which places the cylinder head in an area that is half-inch in combustion chamber while half-inch over the port. Combined with necessary removal of dirt and unwanted materials in the cylinders and chambers, this technique is the fastest and most efficient way to promote airflow.

Porting Tools

The required tools are easily available in most hardware stores or Internet. First, air compressor and air powered die grinder for faster porting. Next, 60 to 80 grit sanding rolls for a smoother finish in the cylinders. It also removes tiny protrusions left by the grinder. Lastly, carbide cutters and shop vaccuum.

Aside from ensuring that the cylinders are correctly ported, you must also properly level out the guide bosses and make sure the cylinder heads are perfectly fitted to enable a smooth intake of air from the port.

After porting the heads, a check-up from an expert automotive machinist is advised. He will further determine if valves are properly sized, valve seats and faces are correctly grinded, and if the heads are flat and perfectly fitted.

Safety Instructions

With any automotive work, safety steps are required. When dealing with a grinder, always wear safely glasses and mask to avoid particles from irritating facial parts. Also, use a powerful shop vacuum to suck out tiny materials in the chamber and ports.

RJ Performance Calgary, Canada

was founded in 1998 and has grown into one of North Americas premier medium and light duty

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Maximize your Cars Speed: Cylinder Head Porting }