Finding An Attorney To Handle Divorce And Child Custody In Mesa, Az

byAlma Abell

A divorce can be a difficult legal proceeding. However, that legal proceeding can be made even more difficult when there are children involved. If the children are young and still need the support of parents, this will usually venture into child custody issues. That’s why, if you’re facing a divorce and you have small children, you’ll need to have an attorney that can handle Divorce And Child Custody in Mesa AZ. Here are a few things that you’ll need to consider.


The first thing you’ll need to do is look for attorneys that offer services for Divorce And Child Custody in Mesa AZ. It’s not uncommon to find attorneys that handle divorce only and this will require you to find another attorney that handles child custody issues. However, with a little bit of research, you can typically find an attorney or law firm that offers both of these services. This makes it much easier than having to coordinate with multiple lawyers from different law firms.

The next thing you want to do is a bit of searching around for different law firms. It’s best to check out at least three different attorneys or three different law firms that offer these legal services. If you want to consult more than three, that is entirely up to you. But having at least three choices helps you to make a wise decision on the attorney that will inevitably represent you.

The final thing you want to do is allow the attorney to do their job. In these situations, it can be very difficult because a divorce proceeding can be a very emotional time for the spouses that are ending the marriage. Add to this child custody issues, and the emotions can get even more pronounced. It may be very difficult for you to sit back and let your attorney handle all the issues. However, that is precisely what you will need to do. Browse website for more information.

Child custody issues as well as divorce can be a difficult thing to deal with, which is why you’ll need legal representation. If you find yourself in this unenviable position, you need to speak with an attorney at The Law Firm of Janet R. Feeley L.L.C.

Public Schools Vs. Private Schools: Which Is Right For Your Child?}

Public Schools vs. Private Schools: Which is Right For Your Child?


Derek TansThis hot debate may not be ending anytime soon. When children reach the school-going age, parents are usually torn between the types of schools that their children should attend. This is unlike in the past where most parents chose convenience over anything else. They used to take their children to the nearest school. Nowadays, the quality of education matters and that’s why a good percentage of parents in Singapore are thinking about switching their children either from private to public schools and vice versa.Today’s world is so dynamic, and when it comes to choosing schools, parents look beyond convenience. Some of the key areas that they focus on include quality, curriculum, accountability and teachers’ training. With these and many other factors, the difference between a private kindergarten and a public school in Singapore is not that big as it used to be. However, you still need to do some soul-searching and research before you decide on a school for your child. To help you with the comparison, here are some main advantages of both public and private schools. By comparing them, it will be much easier to make a final decision on the type of school that your child should go to.Advantages of Public Schools1. Have more qualified teachersSince public schools are directly controlled by the government, they tend to employ more qualified teachers as compared to those working in private schools. There is also a likelihood of these teachers being more experienced in the job. It is common to find a teacher who has a degree or even masters teaching in a public school. Keep in mind that public schools don’t carry the burden of paying highly trained and experienced teachers. They are paid by the government. They are likely to stick to public schools due to the perks that they get.2. Public schools focus on core subjectsStudents in public schools spend more time studying core subjects. Since they are controlled by external forces, these schools do not deviate to other subjects but instead stick to teaching the main subjects which are English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.3. Diverse student populationDue to its affordability, public schools attract a large number of students from different backgrounds. This is unlike private schools which are quite expensive. Public schools give your child a perfect opportunity to interact with other people and learn more about them.Advantages of private schools1. Small classesIt is a fact that any private kindergarten has small classes. The number of students per classroom can be half of that in public school. This automatically means that the student to teacher ratio is small. This allows a teacher to give each child more attention and encourages dissemination of high-quality and student-oriented education.2. Flexible curriculumPrivate schools are flexible when it comes to choosing a curriculum that students use. They do not have to wait for approval from other bodies. In most cases, their curriculums focus on overall development of a person, both academically and intellectually. Some private kindergarten schools offer programs that meet international standards or prepare students for a global environment.3. Strong parent involvementPrivate schools encourage parents to be heavily involved in the affairs of their children. As a parent, you will always be communicating with teachers and communicate matters relating to the performance and progress of your child.VerdictChoosing your child’s school is one of the biggest decisions that you will make. There should be no room to make any mistakes. A good school guarantees your child high-quality education and will leave a positive impact towards your child’s development process. Before you choose a school, first understand personal needs of your child then analyze whether the school will meet them.Derek Tan writes articles relating to education. Please visit Canadian International School for more information or visit

Derek Tan writes articles relating to education. Please visit


Canadian International School

for more information.

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Educational Toys &Amp; The Obesity Issue}

Educational Toys & the obesity issue


Roberto Bell

You see your child playing with their educational toy outside in the sandbox. Their friends poke his little tubby stomach, laughing at him. He drops his toy and comes running inside, clinging to your arm and crying his eyes out. Childhood obesity is no joke. It is a serious medical condition which affects millions of kids around the world. Being overweight at such a young age is an especially upsetting situation as diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol [which were all once confined to adults] are now becoming more and more widespread in children of all ages. The only way to avert childhood obesity is by raising the fitness and health levels of your entire family. By combining a healthy diet with an everyday fitness routine, you can save your kids from a lifetime of weight-related problems. What is needed is action. Figures in authority such as teachers and doctors should always advocate the importance of diet.

As kids develop and grow, their bodies add kilograms in proportion to their weight and height, therefore any extra weight gained from over-eating and lack of exercise which is not burned off, can contribute to an overall bigger build. Other contributing factors include hormonal and genetic diseases such as an under-active thyroid gland which can make a child as wide as they are tall. Yet children seem to have a never-ending appetite and this is because they need the calories and nutrients in food to fuel their constant development. If you are worried that your child is putting on more weight than normal, it is best to seek medical assistance as the extra weight could most likely be caused by an aforementioned disease or genetic condition.


What are some of the other factors which contribute to the risk of early onset obesity? Most importantly, diet. Kids plonk down in front of the TV after a long day of school or playing and snack on packet after packet of chips, sweets and chocolates. They love sweet, crispy and fatty foods as the extra energy keeps them going and going. These are items to limit or avoid completely. Sitting in front of the TV all day is another massive factor regarding obesity, namely inactivity. Getting your young ones to get up and move is not a challenge, as most kids are used to running around at accelerated paces. As for the kids who are slumped in front of a video game console all day, I suggest to get them up and about- go for a fresh walk in the forest and let them enjoy outdoor activities. Once they have the correct mindset regarding exercise, a good habit like that will most likely carry on throughout their lives.

The first step in determining your childs accurate weight loss should be a BMI test. BMI indicates the correct body mass of a individual according to their current height and weight, which then gives us an indication if the subject is at risk for obesity or not. BMI is different for children however, as the sexes are not separated into categories as the adult BMI chart is. Kids history of obesity, eating habits, and activity level and health conditions are also measured to give an ideal reading.

The best tool you can utilise is patience. Be patient and understand that most kids still need to take the time to grow into their developing bodies. An overly intensive emphasis on diet and exercise is going scare any child from actively pursuing a healthy lifestyle. Push too much, and your child could end up eating more then they began with. Start walking to the shops with them and get them out of the car. Toys which emphasise activity should be embraced, letting children gently develop an excitement for sporting activities. Most of all understand their condition and provide all the support you can. Obesity is a terrible disease which has afflicted almost half of our population. Change can happen and it begins with the steps you make. Take action. Figures regarding child obesity increase daily.

Steven has been considering the purchase of some

educational toys

and came across many interesting GI Joe

action figures


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Educational Toys & the obesity issue }