Horse Business Ideas That Worked

Are Your Customers Ready For Your Horse Business Ideas?

You may have some fantastic equine businessideas and have written some brilliant horse business plans, but the sad fact isthat unless there is a need for you equine product or service in the area youintend to market to then that is all they are… equine business ideas andhorse business plans!

Before you start your horse business, thereare some important questions to ask yourself about your potential customers.

What type of customer is your businesstargeted towards? People who have their own horse? People who don’t have theirown horse? People who ride for pleasure or serious competitors? People who rideregularly?

You should be able to describe your idealcustomer that is interested in your horse product or equine service.

An ideal customer is one that

a) wants your product or services

b) has the finances to be able to pay for yourproduct or services and

c) has the authority to pay for your product.

In identifying the type of customers you wantto attract or that your horse business is aimed towards you will be able toplan your equine business and marketing better so that it is suited in thatdirection.

Ask yourself some questions when figuring outwho your ideal customers are:-

Who do you think yourideal customer will be?

What are the needs orproblems of the ideal customer?

How will you addressthose needs/problems?


Are your idealcustomers businesses or individuals?

What will be mostimportant to these customers?

What will beunimportant to them?

How can you addresswhat is and isn’t important to them?

Your business mayappeal to a wide variety of horse people but it will profit most from yourideal customer.

What is it that your customers want from yourbusiness? Is there a service or product you can supply better in the area or isthere another business which can’t meet the local demand?

Do Your Horse Business Ideas Align with YourPersonal Goals?

Once you have decided on your ideal businessyou should also consider that operating your own horse business is likely tohave an affect on other aspects of your life.

If you can align your personal goals with yourequine business objectives it will help in identifying priorities and preventdistraction from your equine business plans. This is ideal if you love tocompete and you plan to have a horse business buying and preparing competitionhorses for sale and coaching competition riders. But it could be disastrous ifyou love to go to horse competitions on the weekend and your horse businessideas include running a riding school every weekend.

Writing down both your personal goals and yourhorse business plans gives you a sense of direction and will help to distinguishwhat is important to you.

You can test your commitment to achieving yourgoals and to check if they are right for you by asking some questions:-

Is it a goal you wantor is it a goal someone else wants for you?

Do you know how youare going to set about to achieve this goal?

How do these goals fitwith where you want to be in twenty years? Will this goal help you get there?

Does the goal meet andabide by your values?

Is this achievable inthe given timeframe?

Goals which answer’no’ to any of these questions may need to be reconsidered to avoid frustrationin the long run.

Short term goals assist in building towardslong term goals and all goals should be reviewed regularly to make any changesto correspond with those in your life. For instance, you may plan to compete ata high level on a horse that you have bred. This is a long term goal that canbe broken into smaller goals such as

Savings plan topurchase the stud fee

Preparation for themare to go to stud

Handling of the foal

Regular training of thefoal

As the foal becomesold enough, riding the foal

Training for firstcompetition

Competition plan forthe year

Plan for competing ata higher level

Plan for teamselection

And so on

The benefits ofsetting long term goals are greater motivation and higher levels of self-esteemand confidence.

Here are some simple steps to help define andrealise your goal.

1.Write down the goal

2.Give yourself atimeframe for achieving it

3.Describe what you needto do to achieve it

4.List any knowledge orskills that will be required to reach the goal

The preferred method for goal settingstrategies is the Map Method

Where do you want tobe?

Where are you now inrelation to it?

How are you going toget there?

Make a map and followit!

The S.W.O.T. analysiscan also benefit goal setting strategies, but is less effective than the MapMethod.

When you come up with an equine business idea,the main thing is that you can align your personal goals with your horsebusiness plans and that your horse business ideas are making you happy

The 10 Most Important Care Tips For Horse Stables

Submitted by: Christa Kowalczyk

Horse stables should be properly maintained for the health and well-being of the horses.

A stable is needed for horses since they require bigger spaces as they are big animals. Several factors that affect the horse stable include its structure, design, bedding, and stall sizes, flooring, lighting, feeding and watering equipment.

The first tip is that stables can either be bought/acquired or leased. Ideally it should be safe, clean and impeccable. Fences should be reliable and sturdy enough to avoid accidents. Fly repellents can also be used so stables are free of bugs. Some of those available in the market are disposable and compact.


Second tip is, structurally it is important to build a structure that faces the wind. Horses should be protected from sun, wind and rain elements. Third tip is that bedding must be properly supplied with warm and comfortable materials like hemp and rubber mat with straw top. It is important to regularly clean the stable.

Stalls include loosebox, tie or standing stalls. Fourth tip is, ideally the recommended size of loose boxes is 10’X10′ (3mX3m) to 12’X12′ (3.6mX3.6m) for an average size riding horse. On the other hand, tie or standing stalls must be at the bare minimum 4ft to 5ft (1.5m) wide and 8ft (3.6m) long. Fifth is that stall doors can be swinging or sliding type with at least 4 ft (1.2m) wide. Sixth is that in between stalls, alleyways should be no less than 10ft wide (3m).

Seventh is that flooring must be concrete with a roughened non-slip surface for easier maintenance of the place. Though to make flooring more comfortable, it is advisable to use rubber made stall mats or sandy soil. Drainage problems can be fixed during springtime and it is also the best time to check on fences, fields and paddocks. Eighth is that ceilings should be designed high enough so horses won t hit their heads even if they raise their head.

Ninth is that in terms of lighting, bulbs should have safety cages while wiring must be rodent free and moisture proof. Switches should be out of reach of the horses. Windows should be able to provide proper ventilation and must be covered with mesh or grills.

Tenth is that when feeding and watering, the most efficient way is to place a pail on the wall. One can also use wall supported feeding tubs and build up piles of hay for the horse to feed on.

Any modern stable deserves to have tack trunks where you can place brushes, hoof picks, shredding blades etc. In some ways it adds to the aesthetic appearance of the stable because it organizes horse accessories.

It is important to create an environment free of clutter to avoid accidents and ensure the availability of riding helmets and riding boots. One must keep in mind that when horses are stabled, it means they are like prisoners who are dependent on the caretaker s actions. It is very important to be reminded of the basic needs like food, water, space, freedom to move, company, and shelter so that stable management of the horses will be a success.

About the Author: For more information on

Horse Stables

please visit our website.


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Thor Sentinel Illusion Chest Protectors : Ratchet Buckle Closure System

Submitted by: Jeammy Pickle

Motocross riding is of such nature that it claims nothing less than the unsurpassed grade in security. The exalt that it lends both to viewers and to the race drivers is sometimes offset by the measure of endangerment one is leading so that one may enjoy motocross racing. Sometimes, when one unfeignedly meditates on the latent affect the hurt in motocross racing brings, it is so sobering that some dare not attempt the fun at whole. If they do, it is incessantly with a restrained sentience that security must prevail at every times.

Why Chest Guardians Are Crucial

In motocross racing, one of the equipments that should not be snubbed or contained gently is the chest guardian. To some, holding it may look kind of extravagant: a simple showing of zero. But recognition will tell that yes, chest Shielder are part of the fun that should not be dismissed. Because without them, one is disposed to hurts that differently could have been deflected when chest Protectors are worn in the first place. And talking of chest Protectors, there is nil in the market that duplicates or even follow close to the quality of Thor Sentinel Illusion chest Defenders.

aegis Where You Necessitate It Most


Essentially, chest Protectors must provide aegis to riders through the following:

? It protects the body from being affected by aviating junk such as stone or picks of wood and other rubble that may be kicked off by the vehicle in front, striking the body at speeds that cause accidental injuries. Thor Sentinel Illusion chest Guardians forestall this from happening by furnishing a stout protective covering for the body.

? In types of crash or sudden wallop with another body, a chest protector enactments as a push absorber, harboring the body from more wounds. Notwithstanding, an routine chest protector that comes out stiff ordinarily decomposes to picks on impingement. Some may even cause lesions on the wearer. With Thor Sentinel Illusion chest Guardians, not entirely will it not decompose upon wallop, its interior plodding with its stiff plastic structure likewise makes for as a cushion to further protect the wearer.

Continuing You Risk-free

The Thor Sentinel Illusion chest Guardians are caused of long-lasting stuff that is tried to withstand the most forceful affect in motocross races. A firm buckle closing system saves the protector in place and forestalls it from causing loose, which is potential to hamper the execution of the rider. The Thor Sentinel Illusion chest Shielder have fantabulous venting arrangement, which allows air to cool the wearer then pass out without bloating the wearers equip. A bio-foam interior enactments as a impact absorber by absorbing most of the force in moments of impingement.

For uttermost security to the chest area, a sternum plate is structured into the Thor Sentinel Illusion chest Defenders to protect the chests most injury-prone regions.

Where to Obtain Your Chest Defenders

For the better in chest security scheme to complement your motocross riding pleasances, experience solely Thor Sentinel Illusion chest Guardians from Bob’s Cycle Supply for the clearest protective covering during motocross races.

About the Author:

Thor sentinel illusion chest protectors

with Extensive venting for maximum airflow available at


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Wow! The Hp Velotechnik Grasshopper Fx Folding Recumbent Bike Is All That, And More.

Wow! The HP Velotechnik Grasshopper fx folding recumbent bike is all that, and more.


Robert Matson

Positive aspects: Folds quickly and easily, aerodynamic and fast, full suspension, great high-speed handling, accessories look great.

Negative aspects: Optional under-seat steering upgrade requires a skilled rider.

First, I should reveal that I’m in the industry — I m an HP Velotechnik dealer in New York City. However, I’m also a happy owner of a Grasshopper fx ( GH fx or just GH ), which serves as my luxury urban ride. Like everyone in New York, I don’t have any extra space; I store my Grasshopper in my home office. If I want to take a bent with me on the train or bus, the GH fx s fast fold and carrying bag are ideal. Also, to grab my space on the street, I like a fast ride with nimble, positive handling. And since I have to lift and carry the bike any time I go out — down/up the stairs of my apartment building, down the stairs to train platforms, wedge it into elevators, etc. — a light and compact bent is a good bent, too. Lastly, I ride in all weather, year-round, and need to carry cargo, so strong, well-designed racks, fenders and light systems are a must.

The Fold: quick and easy.

Another reviewer on Bentrider Online has criticized the folding mechanism, but I can’t imagine what the gripe could be. I like it. And I know more than just a little about folding bikes — I also own a Brompton folding upright, possibly the world’s most successful folding bike, and a Montague folding MTB, which, in my hands, is possibly the world s most abused folding bike. The Grasshopper (in my hands) folds as well as any of them — easily, quickly, smoothly and intuitively. The frame is stiff and straight with a strong hinge design. Ride quality is that of a top-end fold-less bent. And because it fits into a bag, I can carry it onto trains or buses as luggage. In other words, it s a true folding bike in every way (though not as small as a Brompton).


Aerodynamic: Fast on the flats and downs, slightly slower uphill.

People are often surprised to learn that the seat height on a GH fx is 5″ lower than the bottom bracket which, with the dual 20 wheels, provides a moderately low center of gravity. In spite of this fairly aggressive design, the seat height of 21 and the appropriate front-end geometry make this a full-fledged touring and commuting bent. The GH fx is fast on the flats and stable at speed, even when fully loaded. My machine has the optional under-seat steering, but the standard GH fx comes with aerodynamic above-seat steering. Sometimes I wish I had the speed and turning advantage of above seat steering, but I like the relaxed comfort of USS. It s a toss up.

It goes without saying that it s hard, slow work pedaling a bent up a long steep hill. Add to this that the GH fx, like any dual 20″ bent, is additionally challenging to balance at slow speeds, like 3 – 5 mph. Some novice riders might benefit from the stability provided by the gyroscopic action of a big rear wheel (such as on a HPV Street Machine), instead of the GH s small rear wheel. However, in my experience, the GH handles better on hill climbs than other small-wheeled bents, and, at any rate, as you become skilled and stronger, hill climbing only gets easier. (For context, when I talk about hills, I m referring to 7 to 12 degree climbs.)

Handling at speed.

At normal and high speeds, the GH fx handles like any HP Velotechnik — it s positively awesome. With an intuitive and stable ride, and a moderately low center of gravity, it feels secure and responsive on the turns. It s an unforgettable riding experience.

At low speeds, it’s fine, but the optional under-seat steering ( USS ) upgrade on the GH fx puts a fly in the ointment. As a result, unless you really must have USS on the GH fx, or are an experienced rider, I d recommend choosing the standard above-seat steering configuration.

Here s what you need to know about the under-seat steering configuration on the GH fx. First, the ointment: everything about the bike is outstanding, just as you d expect from the minds behind HP Velotechnik. But, as is normal with USS (but admittedly frustrating), there s a limit to how sharply you can turn at slow speed before the handlebar (or your hand) hits the seat. Therefore, when you need to make a particularly sharp turn, you need a little momentum (and good balance) so you can bank into a sharp turn.

For me personally, it rarely creates problems in normal New York City riding, which is full of 90-degree turns at intersections, fast starts and sudden stops. The only time I find it truly irritating is when I need to ride at walking speed around obstacles like bridge stanchions (or tourists) or when stopping at a red light where I also need to make a close right angle turn (in this last case, I simply pick up the bike and pivot). Mind you, this is a common issue with under-seat steering bents as well as long wheelbase bents, so admittedly I m nitpicking an otherwise phenomenal bent.

All in all, this means the handling of the Grasshopper fx has a longer learning curve than other HP Velotechnik bents. The balance issue caused by the two 20 wheels is no big deal and simply requires time in the saddle. The limitations of the under-seat steering option are easiest resolved by simply ordering the standard above-seat configuration or…putting in time and practicing your handling skills.

Weight-weenies be gone: this is what a high-quality, fully-suspended, folding bike weighs.

I can lift the Grasshopper fx with one hand, so I don t really consider its 33.75 lbs. to be heavy. Still, for a fully-suspended, folding bent, rated to carry 275 lbs. and designed for touring and commuting, it would be hard to find the excess weight (maybe a half-pound could be knocked off the drive train and wheels of the stock build). It is unreasonable to compare this type of machine to a 26-pound non-suspended, non-folding Volae Team, for example. Good rear suspension adds weight as do front shocks. Solid, high-quality folding mechanisms add weight. And touring/commuting bikes, as a rule, are over-built to withstand punishing back roads and still keep rolling.

Comparing the GH fx to my tiny, unsuspended Brompton, which weighs about 31 lbs. (with hub dynamo), or my Surly Cross-Check (diamond frame) which weighs about 30 lbs., I can t consider the 33.75 lbs. Grasshopper fx to be heavy, especially for a bent. Does it make me work harder while riding up a hill? Undoubtedly, but I don t notice. And, at any rate, I m happy to have full suspension and a quality build when I hit bad asphalt while ripping downhill in the Appalachian Mountains.

Options and accessories fit easily and perfectly.

The Grasshopper fx s accessories attach neatly and elegantly, as you d expect from HP Velotechnik. Fenders mount securely and look good. Racks install quickly, are incredibly strong, and look like they belong. The kickstand holds the bike firmly, even when fully loaded. The lights have appropriate mounting points and electrical cables can be run through the frame. The GH fx always looks stylish and classy and even lycra-clad roadies give it the cool bike salute.

Long and short, in skilled hands, whether in the above-seat steering config, or with under-seat steering, it s an amazing ride that does everything, goes anywhere and folds easily to boot.

About the author:Robert Matson is owner of The Innovation Works, Inc., which operates the urban recumbent bike service New York City Recumbent Supply(tm). An urban bike commuter, tourer and cycling advocate, Robert is dedicated to helping cyclists of all ages discover the fun and comfort of recumbent bikes and trikes.His website is: blog is at: he may be reached at

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Wow! The HP Velotechnik Grasshopper fx folding recumbent bike is all that, and more.

A Guide To Becoming A Better Punter

I fired up my laptop that evening and began checking out these sites. As as it happens, there are plenty of websites ready to take your money, allowing you to bet on AFL basketball, tennis, horse racing, motor sports, you name it. They also have kite racing! After spending a few months checking out the different websites (and losing money), Ive come to value those few websites which go further than simply offering a location to bet. Finding a website that offered bonuses like betting tips, blog posts that summarize coming matches or sports-related innovations truly transformed things for the better. Some of the information you can certainly get from there is awesome, the most recent instance has been that the winner of the screen guild best director wins the oscar for best director 58 times out of 60. I enjoy having the selection of choices and I particularly appreciate having access to tips. An online betting site that offers more than simply a way to place bets gets my vote.You should check out these important capabilities in prospective partners.1.Inside MailTips certainly are a essential componet of an online betting agency. You don’t need to have to hunt around town hunting for the good oil, it needs to be easy.2.InsightsV8 super cars are a good example. Ive watched the Bathurst 1000 several times and Ive placed quite a few losing bets on Formula One races, but the betting website I now use provides a wealth of knowledgeable analyses on practically any sporting event from somebody who knows his stuff. Now, I have a better understanding of the events I want to bet on. This signifies my bets are no longer haphazard (based on hunches and simularities) and more a technological calculation of the odds. This has improved my betting IQ, improving the chances of my success as well as my satisfaction of sporting events.Youll appreciate the difference when you move from a simple online betting website to a full-featured online betting community. Mobile betting is now the big thing and factors like social media competitions, Twitter updates and more make it far more entertaining to bet these days. Keeping you ahead of thoroughbred racing this weekend makes you be more successful together with your bets and being part of a community makes the entire experience much more thrilling.About the authorHis passion for sports, data and analysis have shaped the way he bets. I love going to the track, but if I can’t be there it is just as good to stay at home or go to the pub and have a bet on my phone. He also appreciates the fact that these internet websites, such as online betting australia, regularly provide horse racing tips and other useful information that can help punters to improve their betting IQ.
