Do Your Research Before Buying Burns Dog Food

Submitted by: Matthew Heini Clark

When thinking about buying your dog food it is always best to go for the best quality you can afford, the Burns Dog Foodrange is a good example of a quality dog food, as is the selection of Bakers Dog Food. With both of these brands you can be sure you are buying a product that has been tried and tested and loved by many of our nations dogs. Browse any supermarket or pet shop when you next visit to buy your dog food and you will agree that trying to decide on what is best for your dog is an exhausting and complex task. Scanning the shelves of products available, you are bombarded by foods extolling different health benefits as well as a [huge|big|large} range of prices. The pet food industry is a multi-billion pound industry and pet food manufacturers are keen to get you to part with your money. Not only are they marketing us to within an inch of our lives, but also continually promoting new products to tempt us with. Just to add to the confusion those products include “dry”, “canned”, “semi-moist” and health targeted products such as “senior”, adult , puppy , “premium” and “gourmet .

So you are probably asking yourself which food stuff is best for your dog? Finding that out can take some time and research. The truth is the best dog food is the one that meets your dog’s nutritional requirements, which change throughout its life, but are usually based upon the dog’s age, breed, body weight, genetics, and amount of activity, not forgetting that it has to fit within your purse. It is definitely worth considering consulting your vet to get the best advice and a nutritional plan for your dog. But for those of us that want to take matters into our own hands, you will find detailed below some of the important things you will need to know.


Always read the dog food labels this will help you to make a proper choice for your dogs, however you must know what to look out for on the dog food label. Always look out for foods which are additive and preservative free as these can cause behavioural and skin problems. You will also want to look out for something that is low in salt and fat. So food which is has no e numbers and is high in natural ingredients will be good for most dogs. All these types of dog foods and more are available for you to buy at so have a look today and select the idealpet treats for you and your pet.

When thinking about buying your dog food it is always best to go for the best quality you can afford, the Burns Dog Foodrange is a good example of a quality dog food, as is the selection of Bakers Dog Food. With both of these brands you can be sure you are buying a product that has been tried and tested and loved by many of our nations dogs. Browse any supermarket or pet shop when you next visit to buy your dog food and you will agree that trying to decide on what is best for your dog is an exhausting and complex task. Scanning the shelves of products available, you are bombarded by foods extolling different health benefits as well as a [huge|big|large} range of prices. The pet food industry is a multi-billion pound industry and pet food manufacturers are keen to get you to part with your money. Not only are they marketing us to within an inch of our lives, but also continually promoting new products to tempt us with. Just to add to the confusion those products include “dry”, “canned”, “semi-moist” and health targeted products such as “senior”, adult , puppy , “premium” and “gourmet .

So you are probably asking yourself which food stuff is best for your dog? Finding that out can take some time and research. The truth is the best dog food is the one that meets your dog’s nutritional requirements, which change throughout its life, but are usually based upon the dog’s age, breed, body weight, genetics, and amount of activity, not forgetting that it has to fit within your purse. It is definitely worth considering consulting your vet to get the best advice and a nutritional plan for your dog. But for those of us that want to take matters into our own hands, you will find detailed below some of the important things you will need to know.

Always read the dog food labels this will help you to make a proper choice for your dogs, however you must know what to look out for on the dog food label. Always look out for foods which are additive and preservative free as these can cause behavioural and skin problems. You will also want to look out for something that is low in salt and fat. So food which is has no e numbers and is high in natural ingredients will be good for most dogs. All these types of dog foods and more are available for you to buy at so have a look today and select the idealpet treats for you and your pet.

About the Author: Our selection includes the Burns Dog Food and the Bakers Dog Food ranges. Check them out at



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Anterior Cervical Corpectomy,Anterior Cervical Corpectomy India Surgery

Anterior Cervical Corpectomy,Anterior Cervical Corpectomy India Surgery



Cervical Corpectomy Details

Most neck pain is due to degenerative changes that occur in the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine and the joints around between each vertebra. The vast majority of patients who have neck pain will not require any type of operation. However, in some cases degenerative changes in the cervical spine can lead to a very serious condition where there is too much pressure on the spinal cord. When this condition occurs, the entire spinal cord is in danger. One surgical option is to remove the pressure on the spinal cord by removing the degenerative vertebrae and replacing them with a bone graft.

This procedure is called a corpectomy and strut graft.Cervical corpectomy is an operation to remove a portion of the vertebra and adjacent intervertebral discs for decompression of the cervical spinal cord and spinal nerves. A bone graft with or without a metal plate and screws is used to reconstruct the spine and provide stability.

The patient is positioned on their back, an incision is made over the hip to harvest bone from the iliac crest. For the corpectomy, a small incision is made on either side of the neck. The cervical spine is widely exposed by separating the spaces between the normal tissues. The discs above and below the vertebrae involved are removed. The middle portion of the vertebrae is removed (some of which is saved for use in the fusion) using special cutting instruments and drills to decompress the underlying spinal cord and nerve roots. A strut of bone is placed to span the bony defect and provide support to the front of the spine.

The bone is incorporated (fused) into the remaining vertebrae over time. Bone from the bone bank (allograft) may be substituted for the patient\’s own bone. A metal plate and screws are often used to provide extra support and facilitate the fusion process.


Absorbable sutures and sometimes skin staples are used to close the incisions. A cervical collar may or may not be required for use after surgery. The doctor will follow the fusion with periodic x-ray exams after the operation.

How Long Will It Take Me To Recover?

Your surgeon will have a specific postoperative recovery plan to help you return to your normal activity level as soon as possible. Following an anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion, you may notice an immediate improvement of some or all of your symptoms; other symptoms may improve more gradually. The amount of time that you have to stay in the hospital will depend on your treatment plan. How quickly you return to work and your normal activities will depend on how well your body heals and the type of work/activity level you plan to return to.

Work closely with your spinal surgeon to determine the appropriate recovery protocol for you, and follow his or her instructions to optimize the healing process. To determine whether you are a candidate for an anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion, please talk to your doctor.

Are There Any Potential Risks Or Complications?

All treatment and outcome results are specific to the individual patient. Results may vary. Complications such as infection, nerve damage, blood clots, and blood loss, along with complications associated with anesthesia, are some of the potential risks of spinal surgery. A potential risk inherent to spinal fusion is failure of the vertebral bone and graft to properly fuse, a condition that may require additional surgery.

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Pankaj Nagpal – About the Author:Welcome to World Class Treatment and Surgery by We Care Health Services, India. Contact Us : www.indiahospital || E-mail us on : || Contact Center Tel. :(+91) 9029304141. The surgery and medical treatments offered by We Care Health Services at JCI Accredited / ISO Certified Hospitals are vast and varied; ranging from Heart Surgery in India, Cardiology to Cardio Thoracic surgery, Total Knee / Hip / Ankle / Shoulder Joint Replacement Surgery in India including ACL reconstruction Surgery to Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery in India , Spine Surgery in India like Discectomy / Laminectomy Surgery, Cervical Decompression to Anterior / Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery in India, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cancer surgery, Sterotactic Radiotherapy, Autologous / Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant Surgery to Breast Cancer treatments, Near relative Kidney Transplant Surgery to Dialysis and Kidney Biopsy, Low Cost Liver Transplants Surgery, Hysterectomy (Vaginal / Abdominal) to Ovarian Cystectomy, Hernia repair Surgery to Cholecystectomy, Advanced Neurosurgery in India, Bariatric surgery, Gastric Bypass Surgery in India, Eye Surgery in India, Cornea Transplant, Cataract Surgery to LASIK Eye care Surgery, IVF, ICSI, Egg Donor to Surrogacy, Minimally Invasive surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery to Cochlear Implants, Breast Lift / Tummy Tuck, Face Lift to Low Cost Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery, multi specialty Hospitals in India offering first world treatments with board certified highly qualified medical consultants in attendance at third world prices..

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Weight Loss Surgery Cost | Bariatric Benefits And Effects

Submitted by: Medico News

Bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery, is a type of procedure performed on people who are obese, for the purpose of losing weight.Obesity means having too much body fat (adipose tissue).

Today there are various surgical & non surgical procedures designed to help treat severe obesity.

Weight loss Surgery Benefits :

The most obvious benefit is weight loss it does depend on the type of procedure but generally, you could be looking at up to 80% weight loss. This varies from one person to another but is an average figure. Weight loss means reduced body fat levels which equates to a slimmer, more natural looking you.

Another factor linked to this is that these co-morbidities are life-threatening. In some cases you could be looking at losing seven years off your life. By undergoing this type of surgery you will reduce any long term health risks and ensure that you have a normal life expectancy.

Other physical benefits include increased energy, better mobility and overall, your general health will have improved.

Cost of Bariatric Surgery :


The cost of bariatric weight loss surgery is usually at least $25,000. The cost of surgery includes the following fees:

* Hospital fees

* Surgeon fees

* Anesthesia fees

* Lab and X-ray fees

* Miscellaneous fees

How it is achieved

Bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery weight loss is usually achieved by reducing the size of the stomach with an implanted medical device (gastric banding) or through removal of a portion of the stomach (sleeve gastrectomy or biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch) or by resecting and re-routing the small intestines to a small stomach pouch (gastric bypass surgery).

Why it is becoming popular?

Many people with excessive weight problems are turning to obesity surgery or weight loss surgery. It is fast becoming a popular option when other weight loss methods, such as diet, exercise and supplementation has failed. Failure of these methods means that a person is unable to maintain a healthy weight and in many cases, the weight is regained. And, excessive weight, if not dealt with can lead to long term health problems such as cancer, heart disease or strokes.

Surgeries Recommended by the US National Institutes of Health :

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding Surgery

This procedure involves placing an inflatable silicon band into the patient s stomach. The band is fastened around the upper stomach to create a new, tiny stomach pouch that limits and controls the amount of food eaten. It also creates a small outlet that slows the emptying process into the stomach and the intestines.

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy is a procedure where a narrow tube of the stomach, approximately the same diameter as the esophagus and duodenum is fashioned by dividing it vertically. The part of the stomach along the medial (lesser) curvature, which is in continuity with the food pipe (esophagus), is retained as the tube and the part outside the tube, which is the greater curvature of the stomach and the fundus, is removed.

Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery also known as Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y basically reduces the capacity of the stomach by creating a small stomach pouch. The small space holds only one ounce of fluid. The procedure also constructs a tiny stomach outlet, which slows the speed by which food leaves your stomach. So you will feel full after eating a small amount and you will stay satisfied for a long time.

Bariatric surgery is an option that should be given careful consideration. The ASBS warns that patients should be mentally prepared and acceptable of associated risks. The step from there should be to find an experienced surgeon with a practice largely devoted to bariatric surgery and the post-operative care of patients.

About the Author: Written byMedical News | Cancer News :

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