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Submitted by: Dominik Hussl
You have probably heard of laughing gas which is also known as Nitrous Oxide, or N202. This is the combination of two gases which is oxygen and nitrogen, and it is used by dentists all over the country as it has been for a countless number of years. This type of sedation allows the patient to remain calm without the nervousness and edginess that is sometimes associated with going to the dentist. This benefits those patients who have strong dental fear or a very touchy gag reflex.
The dentist will look over your medical history to make sure that you are a proper candidate for this type of treatment. While this is a treatment that most everyone has no problem with at all, it is best to make sure that you are not on a medication that may interfere with it or that it may interfere with your medications.
Laughing gas can be felt almost immediately upon administration. It is tolerated very well by most all of the patients who receive it. The result is a very calm and uplifted feeling or state of being. It can be reversed easily, and it is very easy to be given by the dental professional.
A Typical Visit with Ntrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide is administered to the patient via a mask over the mouth since it is a gas. The patient simply breathes in the gas, and it is absorbed in the respiratory system. Within a very short span of time, the patient will begin to feel the effects and feel more relaxed. The taste is sweet, and the aroma is not a bad one at all. The patient will notice something similar to a little tingling sensation in the arms and legs that can be described as what it feels like when your arms or legs are asleep.
Because you will feel less pain and you feel carefree, you, the patient, will feel as though time moves rather quickly. You will be able to communicate and move freely, yet you may feel as though you are in a waking dream state. It is common for the dentist to also use another type of numbing agent in your mouth to make sure that you do not feel the pain since laughing gas does not automatically numb your mouth.
Preparing for a Visit in Which Nitrous Oxide Will Be Used
Before your visit, you want to make sure that you do not eat or drink anything a couple of hours prior to your appointment. This is important because sometimes vomiting has occurred in some patients who had eaten prior to having laughing gas administered.
Because not everyone has the exact same medical history or problems, Nitrous Oxide may not be the type of gas that you will tolerate well. If you have a high anxiety level, you have some sort of congestion due to a cold, sinus or allergy, or if you have an aversion to having your mouth covered; this may not be the suitable treatment for you.
About the Author: Houston Dentist is an expert in
cosmetic dentistry
cosmetic dental teeth procedures
nitrous oxide
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