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The Causes And Effects Of Breast Surgery And Rhinoplasty
sarita kreative
Whenever the topic of breast surgery comes up, the first thing that strikes the minds of readers is either cancerous lumps or augmentations. These are two of the most happening processes, as far as the female bosom is concerned, in the present times. It is a sad fact that thousands of women visit specialists with concerns like painful lumps that may lead to disastrous situations in the future. Breast surgeries are performed under these circumstances to relieve the patient from pain and future risks. Sometimes, in more severe situations, the entire breast may have to be removed as well. The good news though, is that such surgeries do save the lives of many.
Besides removal of lumps, surgery is also performed very commonly for the sake of augmentation of size. Although most Indian women are very well endowed, there may be times when people face conditions like dissimilarity of size and shape etc, and which may be corrected with minor surgeries.
Breast surgery in India
especially towards this end, is rising in popularity. This is one reason why many cost adjustments have been made to make this option available to more and more people who want to go for it.
Another cause for breast surgery can be reduction in size. Some women face immense difficulties in carrying on with their day to day activities with very large and heavy breasts. Since the weight of the breasts pull the women down and they make an effort in standing straight, bending and getting up, they end up pulling a lot of weight with every move, that affects their spinal health. Sooner or later, these women start to experience back pain, neck pain, pain in the knees and so on. reduction surgeries can come to good rescue in these cases.
Besides breast surgery, Rhinoplasty is also gaining steady popularity. Rhinoplasty refers to the surgery performed to reshape or reconstruct the nose. We are all aware of this procedure mainly because of the number of movie stars who have gone under the knife to fix their faces. Rhinoplasty is mainly performed to reduce the size of the nose, reshape the whole area or, manage the tip of it. The results of Rhinoplasty though, is not immediate. It may take a few weeks for the wound to heal and the new shape to appear. However, the true result can be after a couple of months, if not more.
Besides for the sake of purely cosmetic purposes, Rhinoplasty is performed to fix a number of medical cases like cleft lip nasal deformity, saddle nose deformity, bent nasal deformity etc. Cost for
Rhinoplasty in India
is usually affordable. It could vary depending upon the severity of the case, whether prolonged hospitalization is required or can be done without, what medication will have to be provided post operation (if necessary) so on and so forth. However, people expecting a surgery as such should be prepared to dish out close to Rs.30000 if not more. Cost of Rhinoplasty or breast surgery may or may not be covered by insurance, depending upon its cosmetic or non cosmetic nature.
Sarita kreative is an expert in the field of
Hair Transplant in India
. She is writting articles, blogs and other news previews based on
Breast Surgery in Kolkata
, cosmetic surgery, hair transplant in Kolkata and other surgeries as well.
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