The Perfect Expired Listing Letter}

Submitted by: Borino Slivka

“I need a sample expired listing letter to send out. I am new and want to make sure that I send out the right letter to the homeowners. Thank you.” wrote a California real estate agent.

It took me a couple of years to refine my expired listing letter I sent to the expired listings. I kept writing and writing, testing, editing I was constantly looking for that one ideal letter that the seller would open, read, and call me immediately to come over and list their house. But here is the real problem

When a listing expires, the homeowners receive ten twenty even fifty expired listing letters, all in just the first few days! That is one GIANT stack of mail from agents. It does not matter how great, well written, and strong YOUR letter is, it will get lost in the pile of others. That’s the bad news. Does it mean you should not use letters to communicate with the expired listings? Absolutely not.


The solution is not to rely on just ONE letter. One expired listing letter will never get the job done. If you really want to be successful with expired listings, you must use multiple contacts using multiple real estate marketing methods. Ill give you an example…

Some sellers do prefer letters. They open each one and read it very carefully. With these folks, a set of well written letters can make a big difference. On the other hand, many expired listings respond better to your post cards. They prefer messages that are short and sweet, and they like the interesting visuals and pictures.

Then there are other sellers who will closely read your web site. Others will go over your resume page by page. They may even call your references. Some like to read your emails. Some only like to chat on the phone, and ignore all direct mail all together. And some prefer to meet you in person before they decide who to list with. It just depends.

And then there is another group of expired listings that you need to contact with a mix of all your real estate marketing tools at your disposal. Since you don’t know what will work when, you have to do it all, do it well, and do it consistently (the Expired Plus system comes with an entire set of great expired listing letters and marketing).

How long should you keep mailing? Thats simple: until you (or anther real estate agent) list the house. It was not unusual for me to list a home that had even twelve months ago.

Most real estate agents give up after a few mailings. If you stay persistent, keep sending them well written expired listing letters, postcards, and updates – anything that’s interesting, it will pay of handsomely.

About the Author: Find out how even a rookie agent can be successful using the Expired Plus – a complete real estate marketing system for listing expired listings by Borino. It includes expired listing letters, postcards, scripts, dialogs, resume, and much more. Visit

for details.


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